Gen.K Reads
Editor’s Picks
Gen.K Flagship Boutique
A house is not a home until you live in it, and a shop is not a boutique until you experience the brand’s unique appeal. For Gen.K Jewelry, the relentless search for an ideal space finally bore fruit with the opening of its flagship boutique at Capitol Singapore in January 2021.
5 Si Dian Jin Sets Modern Brides Will Love
Like the west enthusing about diamonds being a girl’s best friend, the quintessential bling for a Chinese bride in the olden times is a set of dragon and phoenix-engraved jewelry in 24-karat gold.
Chapter 2: The Wedding Set – Amantha & Ian
Amantha’s discovery of Gen.K Jewelry was a mere happenstance. Just like any other bride doing her diligent research before the wedding, she stumbled upon the brand and instantly fell in love.
Chapter 1: Gen K In Love – Amantha & Ian
There are countless novels, movies and TV shows devoted to the good ole’ story of romance, but some of the very best tales are the ones that really happened.